Sunday, December 16, 2007

Mothers and Sisters

"Many of us are living out the unlived lives of our mothers, because they were not able to become the unique people they were born to be." Gloria Steinem

I am always on a journey of sorts, traveling through the inner landscape of my being, searching the depths of myself for greater understanding, truth and freedom. My desire to be completely transparent propels me in to this unchartered territory of self, seeking wisdom and insight in to why I am here on this earth, and what imprint is it that I leave.

I begin thinking about Ruby and what part of my unique story will go unlived, what part will she play out for me. Our children are truly part of our own fabric and on some level it is reassuring to know that she just might complete any unfinished business I've left behind when my time on earth is over. And on the flip side of that, I feel like me (and my dear sister) are living out pieces of my mother's live that she didn't in her 30s. I'm thankful to say that she (my mom) too is doing this with her mother, living out a piece of my grandmother's life that she never got to. I feel like much of the work I've done, healing wounds of my past and unraveling my own undoing, I've done with the hope of making life easier for Ruby, not passing on to her the baggage I have carried. It's not likely I'll ever really arrive, be completely free of the baggage, but the bags do get lighter and the adventure is more fun.

I am grateful to be surrounded by wonderous, Wise Women, that encourage and support me as I learn and grow with along the way.


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